The gangpol music lab is occasionally hired to compose soundtracks for external projects.

COSMODRAMA, a film by Philippe Fernandez:

A space-ship is lost in space, conveying a small team of scientists who no longer know, probably due to too long a cryogenisation period, where they are, where they're going, or where they've come from. They therefore spend most of their time formulating hypotheses on these questions, in relation to observations they manage to make. Most such hypotheses surpass understanding, and often provoke lively discussions, leading to a climax over a controversial “anthropic principle”, which attempts to explain the evolution of the universe through that of thought which is capable of observing it."

A film by Philippe Fernandez, featuring Jackie Berroyer, Bernard Blancan, Emilia Derou-Bernal, Ortez Holz, Serge Larivière, Sascha Ley, Emmanuel Moynot, Stefanie Schuler.
Produced by Atopic
- 115 minutes, 2014, vidéo HD


"Magie, stupidité et égoïsme: une vraie comédie familiale."

39 épisodes de 7 minutes - En cours de diffusion sur Canal+ family
Créée et écrite par Philippe Traversat / Produite et dessinée par Alexis Lavillat
Production exécutive: Damien Lévy / Studio Normaal - Paris & Angoulême
Réalisation: Jonathan Mesner
Musique originale: Sylvain Quément / Gangpol Institute
Avec les voix de: Emmanuel Garijo, Bernard Alane, Patrice Dozier, Magali Rosenzweig, Valérie Alane
Son & laboratoire: Standaard
Bruitage: Christophe Burdet / Mixage: Guillaume Lafeuillade

A sonic piece created for Capitaine Futur exhibition @ La Gaité Lyrique